27 Years of Excellence
27 Years of ExcellenceCanada's Top Woodworkers
Hendrik Varju

Mission Statement of Hendrik Varju, Craftsman

My primary mission is to share my love for fine woodworking with others, helping them achieve self-mastery and proficiency in a hobby or career that can last a lifetime.  I have spent over 29 years honing my craft and mastering the art of teaching others.

One of my secondary goals is to provide discriminating consumers with fine furniture and decorating accessories of unsurpassed quality, and to do so with honesty, integrity and professionalism.  Superior service is my specialty.

traditional joinerycherry side tablehand-cut dovetailsfireplace mantel detailmission furniturerocking loveseatcherry dining tablecontemporary style and attention to detailFine Collectibles Display Tablehand-rubbed silky smooth finishessolid wood drawersribbon-striped mahogany guitar body